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Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data ("Law no. 677/2001") and with the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/CE ("GDPR"), which will complete as of May 25 2018 the normative framework applicable to the processing of personal data, and in particular under art.12 and art.13 of the GDPR, we inform you that

The company TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE SRL SRL, with headquarters in Pantelimon, Bd. Biruintei no. 49, postal code 077145, registered at the Office of the Commercial Registry next to the Bucharest Court under no. J23/3664/2013, unique identification code RO 11687229, (hereinafter referred to as "the Company" or "TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE SRL"), processes your personal data safely, in good faith and in accordance with the legal provisions in force, exclusively for the purposes specified below.
In the sense of the provisions of the GDPR, you are the data subject, and your personal data are processed as a result of the fact that, in terms of invoicing and dispatch of orders operated by TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE SRL, you are:

(i) recipient - natural person - of these invoices or
(ii) designated user of the recipient – legal entity – of these invoices.

1. Personal data processed

As far as you are concerned, TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE SRL processes the following personal data: Mainly, your identification, transactional, demographic, location or other personal data that we collect directly from you.

2. Purposes of personal data processing

The company collects your personal data exclusively for legitimate purposes, such as to provide products and services or to offer assistance regarding the purchase of our products and services, to identify you through means of communication, for marketing purposes, to improve and the development of the products and services we offer you, etc. The processing of personal data is always based either on the execution of contracts concluded with us, on the need to comply with a legal obligation, on our legitimate interest or a major public interest or, as the case may be, on your consent if you have expressed your option in this regard.
The legal basis of this processing is the provisions of art. 6 paragraph 1 letter a) of the GDPR, respectively based on your express consent.
Your personal data are processed throughout our contractual relationship and, after its completion, at least for a period of 5 years. TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE SRL does not process your personal data in automated decision-making processes, nor does it use them to create profiles, in the sense given to these terms by the GDPR.
TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE SRL processes your personal data exclusively on the territory of Romania and does not transmit this data abroad.
If, during the period of keeping your personal data, there are legislative changes that will require the modification of the periods specified above, TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE SRL will adapt these periods to the legal requirements.

3. The rights of the data subject regarding his personal data:

We also want to inform you that, according to Law no. 677/2001 and art.12-22 of the GDPR, you have the following rights:
i. the right to information and access to your personal data;
ii. the right to rectify your data;
iii. the right to be forgotten/the right to data deletion;
iv. the right to restrict processing;
v. the right to data portability;

vi. the right to object to the processing of your data, in the case of the processing of personal data in accordance with art. 6 paragraph 1 letter e) or letter f) of the GDPR, respectively for the performance of a task performed in the public interest or within the exercise to an official authority with which the operator is vested, respectively for the purpose of legitimate interests;
live the right not to be subject to an individual decision, which means the right to request and obtain the withdrawal, annulment and reconsideration of any decision that produces legal effects on you, adopted exclusively on the basis of a personal data processing operation by automated means, for the purpose of evaluating some personality traits, such as professional skills, credibility, your behavior at work;
viii. the right to notify the National Supervisory Authority of Personal Data Processing or any competent courts.
To exercise these rights or for any other aspects related to the processing of personal data, you can contact the Company by means of a written request, dated and signed, to the Company's address (Bd. Biruintei 49, Pantelimon, Ilfov), or by email at the address, as well as through the other contact methods available on the Company's website,
Your request will be analyzed and you will be answered within 15 days of receipt by the Company, according to Law 677/2001, and after May 25, 2018, within 30 days of receipt of the request by the Company, according to the GDPR.
For the data provided by you following the expression of explicit consent in this regard, we inform you that, under the provisions of the GDPR, you can withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal.

4. Authorized persons:

TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE SRL transmits personal data for our business partners such as the Accounting office and courier companies.

5. Other aspects:

The company guarantees that it processes your data under legitimate conditions, while also implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure data integrity and confidentiality according to art. 25 and 32 of the GDPR.